20 : I want to return to my old self..

Results are out and it is not good. What the hell is wrong? Ever since i entered MMU, my results have been going downhill. Is it because I don’t study enough? I understood my lessons. I understood when I did revision. However, everything is for nothing when I enter the exam hall.

I never felt this way before.

I have been looking back at my High School days. In the past, I would look forward to seeing my results. I would see how good my results were. Not how bad they were. I would look to see if I had once again landed in top spot in my class. I would be invited to award ceremonies time and time again.

When the school wanted to look for students to represent them, they will turn to me, again and again. Everytime there was a major examination, they would label me as ‘high potential’ , ‘target student’. All those stuff. And I delivered, every time.

I was that good. Seriously.

Now, everything is the other way around. Now, I wish that there was no such thing as results. My legs would grow weak when it was results time. Previously, people would admire my results. Now, I admire people’s results. I am fighting to survive. So far, I am winning. Barely.

I must get back to the way I was.

This is not me.

I cant stay like this.

I won’t stay like this.


  1. Jasmine said,

    October 29, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    Results are just numbers.. The thing that matters most is what have you gained and learned in the process of studying.. You go to a higher institution to get better qualification for a better job, and the rest of your life lies on that job, not the results you’re having now.

    Just know yourself that you did your best. Sometimes the problem don’t come from you but from the marker. Open ended essay papers are always very subjective. Just learn how to deal with this, slowly you’ll get better.

    You’re just in your sophomores!! Chill ~ =)

    • xentris said,

      October 29, 2009 at 5:51 pm

      I understand. Your right. Thanks… That meant a lot….

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